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What is array_unshift in PHP?

The PHP’s array_unshift function is used to add elements to the beginning or staring of an array. As with PHP array_push, pass the array first, followed by any number of elements you would like to add to the array. Arrays with numeric indexes have those indexes re-numbered starting from 0 (zero).

How to add an array into an array in PHP?

To add an array into an array in PHP, use the array_push () function. The array_push () function takes an array as an argument and returns the array combining with old and new values. See, it has added an array as a 3rd element, and its index is 0 and 1. Right now, the dataA array is a multidimensional array.

What is array_push in PHP?

As you can see the array_push in PHP adds to array the passed elements. However, It is important to remember that the function returns the length and not the appended array. This is important because assigning the function to a variable and printing it would not return your desired output. The below code explains the same.

How to use array_splice function in PHP?

Suppose that when you wish or want to use the array_splice function in PHP to add elements to an array, but not to remove or replace, then pass 0 as the 3rd argument because this function supports a negative offset which allows or permit you to specify a location starting or beginning from the end of the array.

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